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Did you know that adopting Social Learning Theory (SLT) can cut employee training time by 50 percent? Better yet, using a mobile Skills Training System (STS), built on SLT will result in better learning outcomes, more skillful employees, greater accountability and comprehensive digital documentation. An STS transforms learning on the job.

Ever wondered why some companies excel in so many ways from productivity to employee engagement to profitability? It begins with highly skilled workers doing the right thing, the right way, the first time and every time. What would your life be like if no one ever made a mistake? It’s almost too crazy to imagine. But that’s the power of outcome-based training. It transforms your workforce.

Picture this: newly hired front line production workers seamlessly acquiring the skills necessary for stellar job performance simply by following what mankind has done since the beginning of time. We all learn skills through observation and modeling. Some call this mimicry. Think back to your own developmental years. Every skill you learned from tying your shoe, to riding a bike to throwing a baseball was learned by copying someone else.

In the 1970s Albert Bandura expanded on this idea when he investigated childhood development and developed Social Learning Theory. He scientifically proved that children take their cues from their environment and behave in ways that conform to the behaviors of those around them. One needs to look no further than the juvenile crime rates in dense urban environments to see modern day evidence of this phenomenon. Inner city children have far too many criminals as role models.

Of course, learning job related skills takes more than just observation and modelling. You can only learn skills through physical practice. The old saying holds true. Practice makes perfect. A modern day STS employs mobile technology and allows you, as a trainer, to take notes as a trainee begins to practice each skill, then video them as they fumble about. You can use the videos to coach them. A picture is worth a thousand words. This is identical to the NFL’s use of game day videos every Monday as they coach their teams toward excellence.

You’ve actually been using SLT all along. It’s the foundation for any skills training you provide. However, it’s most likely unstructured. Trainers may or may not be motivated or competent. They teach trainees based on their own personal biases, which may or may not be the right way to do things. There’s no mechanism in place to hold trainees or trainers accountable and documentation is nearly non-existent.

Instructor™ is the world’s first digital Skills Training System (STS). It’s a mobile training app that seamlessly integrates SLT with modern technology. It’s time to break free from the constraints of traditional training and step into a future where learning knows no bounds.

Click here to schedule your own personal demonstration of Instructor™. Don’t miss the chance to revolutionize your approach to training!